L.A. Woman is a podcast full of career inspiration, advice, and anecdotes from LA’s most accomplished businesswomen and entrepreneurs.

Monroe Alvarez, Founder of GRLSWIRL

Colleen Wolfe, NFL Correspondent

A few favorite guests

Cerre Francis & Nikki DeRoest, Founders of Ciele

Laci Jordan, Artist

Gaby Dalkin, Chef and Founder of What’s Gaby Cooking

Gaby Dalkin, Chef and Founder of What’s Gaby Cooking

Ashley Merrill, Founder of Lunya

Ashley Merrill, Founder of Lunya

Beth Birkett, Founder of Bephie’s Beauty Supply and UNION LA

Beth Birkett, Founder of Bephie’s Beauty Supply & UNION LA

Aishwarya Iyer, Founder of Brightland

Sharon Pak and Jordan Wynn, Founders of INH Hair

Sharon Pak and Jordan Wynn, Founders of INH Hair